
Profile map of North Acropolis showing pre-Classic constructions
Linda Schele

Site Plan of Tikal Center with Causeways and Central Acropolis Pictured
Linda Schele

Drawing of Carving on Obsidian Flake Depicting Seated Figure Holding a Rabbit
Linda Schele

Illustration for BOK Depicting a Rabbit Scribe and Tikal MT 53
Linda Schele

Detail Drawing of Ancestor Figure from TIK ST 29 for Publication
Linda Schele

Drawing of Inscription on Left Side of TIK St 17
Linda Schele

Detail of Three Stucco Masks from Facade Frieze of Str 5D-33-2nd
Linda Schele

Partial text from Marcador (Ballcourt Marker)
Linda Schele

Detail of Str 5D-33-2nd Doorway in the Shape of an Open-mouthed Witz' Monster
Linda Schele

Hypothetical Reconstruction of 5D-51
Linda Schele

Inscription from Structure 5D-141
Linda Schele

Partial Text from Tikal Stela 2
Linda Schele