
Drawing of various detail from interior entrance of Temple 22, Copan including seated figures, volutes and supernatural profiles
Linda Schele

Drawing of Two Column Text from North Side of Stela J
Linda Schele

Partial rendering of top of Altar associated with Stela 13
Linda Schele

Comparative illustration of details from fgures on Temple 11 bench
Linda Schele

Drawing of Three Glyph Blocks Associated with Stela 6
Linda Schele

Rollout drawing of three carved ceramic vessels from Copan
Linda Schele

Drawing of Artifacts Recovered from a Cache near Structure 4 including a Bead Necklace and an Anthropomorphic Urn
Linda Schele

Reconstruction of Temple 11's North Doorway Including a Cut-away View to Reveal Substructure
Linda Schele

Comparative illustration of Copan Altar 41 and stucco relief sculpture from House E Palenque
Linda Schele

Aerial View of Copan
Linda Schele

Drawing of Copan Altar L Depicting Two Seated Lords Divided by a Central Column of Text
Linda Schele

Drawing of Inscription from Copan Stela N within a Cribbing Frame
Linda Schele