
Perspective Drawing of Monument 7 and Tomb A
Schele or Reilly?

Drawing of Incised Celt from Offering 4
Schele or Reilly?

Drawing of Monument 80 Depicting Crouching Figure with Double-headed Serpent
Schele or Reilly?

Drawing of Incised Celt and Carved Scepter
Schele or Reilly?

Drawing of Seated Figure Holding a Knuckle-Duster and Torch
Schele or Reilly?

Drawing Depicting Olmec Profile
Schele or Reilly?

Drawing of Greenstone Mask
Schele or Reilly?

Drawing of Figurine Showing Seated Individual with Trefoil Headdress and Cape
Schele or Reilly?

Drawing of a Seated Figure Holding Knuckle-Duster and Stick Torch or Brush
Schele or Reilly?

Composite Drawing of Three Objects Including Two Celts and a Figurine
Schele or Reilly?

Two Views of Seated Figurine Holding Knuckle-Duster
Schele or Reilly?

Drawing of Figure in Profile Holding a Torch
Schele or Reilly?