
Pencil Sketch of Creation Panel

Drawing of Temple of the Foliated Cross North Jamb
Linda Schele

Drawing of the North Jamb from Temple of the Sun
Linda Schele

Drawing of Temple of the Cross East Jamb
Linda Schele

Drawing of Temple of the Cross West Jamb
Linda Schele

Drawing of Structure 5C-2nd Featuring Two Standing Figures and Trees in Postholes Atop Structure
Linda Schele

Drawing of Cache Recovered from Structure 6B
Linda Schele

Elevation Drawing of Cerros Structure 5C-2nd Depicting Stucco Facade Masks and Schematic of Building Beneath Solar Arc
Linda Schele

Drawing of Celestial Scene Painted on the Interior of a Codex-Style Ceramic Plate
Linda Schele

Drawing of Carved Bone Depicting Two Figures Making an Offering of a Long-Nosed Headdress
Linda Schele

Drawing of Petroglyph Carving Depicting a Standing Figure Facing a Two Column Inscription
Mark Van Stone

Drawing of Ballcourt Marker from Chinkultik Depicting a Kneeling Ballplayer
Linda Schele