Linda Schele

Glyphs and Text Fragments from Yaxcilan, Stela 21 and Stela 9
Linda Schele

Drawing of Partial Text
Linda Schele

Drawing of Text from Yaxcilan Strucuture 40, Stela 11
Linda Schele

Fragment of Text with Various Inscriptions from Yaxchilan
Linda Schele

Fragment of Text with Various Inscriptions from Yaxchilan
Linda Schele

Drawing of Inscription from Stela 11, Yaxchilan, with Mention of Bird Jaguar
Linda Schele

Inscription from Yaxchilan
Linda Schele

Inscription from Yaxchilan with Mention of Bird Jaguar
Linda Schele

Drawing of Inscription from Stela 12 Associated with Structure 40 at Yaxchilan
Linda Schele

Drawing of Stela Fragment from Site R
Linda Schele

Comparaitve Drawing of Various Texts
Linda Schele

Fragment of Piedras Negras Two Column Text
Linda Schele