Linda Schele

Drawing of Interior Panel from Temple of the Foliated Cross
Linda Schele

Drawing of Interior Panel from Temple of the Sun
Linda Schele

Drawing of Two Sets of Inscriptions from Palenque House C
Linda Schele

Drawing of Inscription from Palenque Temple 16
Linda Schele

Detail drawing of Pakal's Sarcophagus Lid
Linda Schele

Panel from Temple XIV
Linda Schele

Drawing of Monument 22 from Tonina Depicting Bound Captive
Linda Schele

Drawing of Kneeling Figure with Brocaded Girdle
Linda Schele

Drawing of Palenque Tablet of the Slave with figure facing left
Linda Schele

Drawing of Palenque Tablet of the Slave with Figure Facing Left
Linda Schele

Drawing of Palenque Tablet of the Slave
Linda Schele

Drawing of Palenque Tablet of the Slave
Linda Schele